Monday, April 30, 2012

obsessions {link up}

 There's a little blog called saige wisdom out there.  I can't recall how we found one another, but we have some striking similarities.  Like the fact that we're both gingers (well, me, at least almost) with little ginger baby Gabriels of our own.  Fun.

Anyhoo, Sara over at sw is running a little link up about current obsessions.  I thought I'd link up this week and see what others in the blogosphere are obsessed with.

For me?

~First and foremost this week, the declutter**.  I can't tell you how good it feels to  I am going to make a FORTUNE at our upcoming yard sale, because the pile of goods in the "to sell" stack is growing at an alarming rate.  So far, my room is completely gutted, and Gabe's is close.  At least in those two rooms of the house, I can breathe again.  Aahhhh....
Remember that huge pile of crap that used top reside against that wall?  Well, it is no longer spewing itself everywhere around my bedroom.  Joy.
~Sam Adams Boston Lager.  I feel like anything Sam Adams makes is like the most generic of the craft beers.  J says that Sam Adams was just the trailblazer of the craft beer movement.   Either way?  I don't care.  I just love a Boston Lager.  (Read it like BAH-stin LAH-ga in your head.  It's more fun that way.)  And after a long day of decluttering, (or who am I kidding, even after a long day of sitting on my duff watching trashy daytime TV), nothing beats a cold beer.

~Speaking of TV- I have a renewed obsession with Gilmore Girls.  The reality of the situation is that the only time the TV is turned on during the day is while I eat my lunch, just after I put the nugget down for his nap.  And these days, I have been re-watching Gilmore Girls from the beginning whilst eating my bologna sandwiches.  Oh, how I love those zany Gilmores.

And there ya have it.  My obsessions for the week, and my first ever link up.  That was fun, wasn't it?

**Disclaimer: This was actually written on Friday, but I somehow didn't get around to actually posting it until today.  Unfortunately, due to the ripping up of bonus room carpet, a few boxes have made their way back into my bedroom.  Sad face.


  1. I love gilmore girls! Every Sunday afternoon on SoapNet a little mini-marathon comes on and I cuddle up in bed and enjoy a ton of laughs!

    BTW, love the bed spread!

  2. I am a complete organization junkie. I constantly have lists running, yet my house never looks organized. LOL. As for Sam Adams Boston, I hate it. It is probably my least favorite of the Sam Adams family. Blasphemy, given that the brewery is down the road...

  3. I so need to take your lead and organize an Operation Purge of my own... I feel clausterphobic. I always thought the taste of beer would grow on me with age, but I'm still anti-liquid barley. Thanks SO much for linking up... it's so much funner when my friends play along **mwah**



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