Friday, May 27, 2011

A Little Bit of Geeky

Since I'm married to the man that I am,  who knows stuff about the world of computers, I have a program installed on my blog to let me keep track of my "stats."  As in, how many hits I get each day, where on the web these visitors are coming from, which posts are the most popular, even where in the world my readers are reading (twenty different countries!).

It's kinda fascinating to me.

I spent some time looking over my stats recently, and found some things that surprised and delighted!

Did you know that if you type "confessions of an" into a Google search, my blog is the fourth suggested phrase?

Also, I used to get only a few hits a day.  15-20 would be a rare day on the high end.  Now, 60-70 is the daily norm!  So THANK YOU for reading!  (And I must say, you all are quiet readers...nary a comment day in and day out...but now I know you've been here!)

Anyway, just thought I'd share...apparently I can be a geek sometimes, too.


  1. So you say...."you all are quiet readers...nary a comment day in and day out...but now I know you've been here!" Maybe if you would respond sometimes to comments....we would comment more!! I know I am giving you crap....but I do love you and LOVE reading your blog!!

  2. My sole purpose of this blog visit is to RESPOND to some COMMENTS! THANK YOU for reading and commenting! ;)



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