Friday, January 25, 2019

The Times, They Are A'Changin'

I can remember a time, not so long ago, that I looked for any excuse not to exercise.  It was hard.  I didn't like it.  I was mostly just lazy and didn't wanna.  So I didn't.  And I was tired all the time, overweight, and generally unhappy with myself as a result.  One day I got sick of feeling that way and decided to make some changes. 

 I don't post these pictures to brag or to seek compliments.  I post them so I don't forget, don't get complacent, and remember that all of the hard work was worth it.  And maybe to motivate myself to lose those last few holiday pounds.  Seriously, have you guys tried Puppy Chow (the chocolate, peanut butter and powdered sugar coated Chex kind)?  It's my December weakness.  Also Christmas cookies and celebratory alcoholic beverages.   


I know you've heard the story before, so I won't rehash the whole thing.  But yesterday I stopped to think about how crazy different my life is now than it used to be.

Meet my new friend.
First I had to be patient and wait until the first of the year to order (thanks, Microsoft, for your yearly contribution towards our health!).  Then I had to wait weeks for it to arrive.  Then I had to wait for J to get home and put it together- some assembly required for sure.  Then I was finally able to take it for a test ride and I am in love.

I already knew I'd love it.  This is a newer version of the same bike I ride at the gym.  Since being forced to cut back on running, I had to find an alternative, and I've really grown to love cycling.  Spin class is a crazy good workout, and is no doubt easier on my old lady knees.  I've spent quite a bit of time in the cycling studio, and now I'll be able to enjoy this type of workout at home, too.
All of this contributes to my big news.  I'm going back to teaching, just in a different sort of classroom.  In a couple of weeks I will spend the weekend on a similar bike, getting certified to instruct indoor cycling classes at my gym.  Yesterday my training materials arrived, and I was positively giddy.  (Today is supposed to be a rest day for me, but I know I won't be able to resist getting on the bike to try out my assigned tracks.)

I've already spent time on the bike designing workouts.  I bought a notebook to keep my ideas organized.  I've created playlists.  I've thought about themes.  Guys, I'm kind of geeking out about becoming a spin instructor!

The Betsey of a few years ago would look at the Betsey of today and ask "Who IS this person??"  But you know what?  I kinda like her.  

1 comment:

  1. ❤❤❤❤❤❤ So excited for you! You will be an awesome instructor!



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