Tuesday, February 5, 2019

My Current Downfall

Friends, we have a serious problem in my house.  I'm reaching out here because I know we are not alone.  I feel confident that I can find support in my community, and perhaps some resources to help us make it through this season.

It's Girl Scout Cookie time.
I know pretty much everyone has a weakness for Girl Scout cookies.  They see those sweet little girls at their table outside the Walmart and stock up on Thin Mints to put in the freezer and eat by the sleeve.

I used to be one of those people.  And aside from the Thin Mints, I was also in love with the Peanut Butter Sandwiches.  Side note: back in my day, we called them Do-Si-Dos, and that is what they forever will be known as in my heart.

Then one year I decided I didn't need any cookies.  I was going to stay strong and resist the temptation.  Of course, this meant not answering the door for the entire month of February and practically wearing a blindfold whilst walking in and out of every store in town.  Because, you know, once I make eye contact I become incapable of saying no.

And then the Thanks-a-Lots came into existence.  Damn it.

I happened to be pregnant that year, and I blame that sweet baby Charlotte and the cravings that she caused for this current issue in my home.

At first glance, these cookies aren't too troublesome.  It's just a simple shortbread, after all- with a heavenly chocolate coating on the bottom.  The real trouble came about when I had the idea to dip the cookie into my coffee one morning.  (Yes, I said morning.  I was pregnant.  I could eat cookies for breakfast if I wanted.)  It was all downhill from there.

J was immediately on board.  There are few things in life he loves more than dippable cookies.  I can't remember exactly how many boxes we went through that first year.  I can tell you it was definitely more than one would consider "healthy."  We would open a package, split it down the middle, and breakfast was served.  (I think that's probably how I grew the sweetest baby on the block that year.)

Since then, we've made progress.  And by progress, I mean that now we have a third adult in the house, so we split the package into three servings instead of two.

I may need an intervention.



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