Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I'm Tired

You know where this time change can go?

You do, but I'll tell you anyway.  Straight to hell, that's where it can go.
Sleep is kinda my thing.  My bed is my favorite place.  And mornings are my least favorite.  Anything that messes with my sleep is my mortal enemy.  Unfortunately, this can sometimes include my children now that they are no longer infants who actually need me.

One night Margot woke up crying in the middle of the night.  I ran to her aid to see what she needed.  She was crying because she couldn't find her toy cupcakes.  That were sitting right on her bed.  I didn't handle it well.  That was the last night she had a monitor in her room, and the night that J decided it was best for the welfare of the kids that he take over nighttime needs.

I feel a little bad, but only a little.  Don't mess with my sleep for stupid reasons.

And that brings me back to this stupid time change.  It's messing with my sleep for a stupid reason.  (What IS the reason, anyway??)

To make matters worse, J is on a business trip this week.  He left well before the sun came up on Monday morning, leaving me to deal with the first morning aftermath of Daylight Savings Time.

I forget how bone tired I feel on that first morning.  And not just me, but the kids.  We miss that hour that was stolen.  We NEED that hour that was stolen.

I realize I have it pretty good.  I usually wake up around 7:30, but I need a little bit of time to fully wake up before I am ready to get out of bed.  Who am I kidding- I need a little bit of time before I can speak, or even look at another human being.  J has learned not to even attempt eye contact until I've had at least 10 minutes to come to grips with the fact that I'm awake.

I'm just not nice in the mornings.

Because I'm such a scary bitch in the mornings, he usually lets me take my time getting out of bed, and he runs upstairs to make sure everyone is awake and getting dressed.  The girls are almost always good about getting up on time with their alarms, but sometimes they get sidetracked and he'll find them playing upstairs.  Gabe, on the other hand, sleeps through his alarm about half of the time.  If we don't hear three children downstairs by 7:45, we know that parental intervention is required, and J has assumed this duty.

With him gone this week, I've had to take over.  I was already less than excited about that before I realized that his trip coincided with the time change.  And now that it's happening, I'm even less excited.  Not only am I not awake on time (I had to set an alarm this morning, which may be my very least favorite thing ever), but I end up finding three sleeping children when I make it upstairs.  Today, I went to wake Gabe up, went downstairs to carry on with the morning routine, and then when he hadn't come downstairs 15 minutes later, I found that he'd gone BACK TO SLEEP after I left.


Can someone please direct me to the person who is responsible for carrying on this ridiculous, antiquated change of the clocks?  WHO LIKES THIS?  Because I'm pretty sure the answer is NO ONE.  NO ONE likes this.

My new political view is this: the politician who does away with the stupid changing of the clocks twice a year gets my vote.  Pick a time.  Stay there forever.  Easy peasy.

Rant over.  Sorry for my anger.  I'm tired.

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