So, it's been awhile. Over three years, as a matter of fact. Looks like the last post I wrote was a happy FIRST birthday to my firecracker Margot. Hmm...things have changed around here.
I'm not sure what happened to my poor blog. Life happened, I guess. Two little ones keeping me on my toes, didn't have the time to devote, blah blah blah. But the truth is, I liked writing here. It gave me a little bit of a creative outlet, and something to exercise my brain. It gave me something to look at other than Facebook. (I think I have an addiction, but that's for another post.) It made me part of a little blogging community. It was fun to read other blogs, and know that other people out there were reading mine.
Sorry I forsook you, blogosphere.
In any case, I've decided to make an effort to revive the ole' blog. I certainly can't promise daily postings (life is still busy), but I can promise to not wait three years in between posts. And in case I have
even one follower out there who has been waiting for an updated post on their reading list- this one is for you.
Let me start with the big updates:
1. The house. Remember back
here when I was talking about selling our house and building a dreamy new one? Well, it happened. Just not on the timeline we expected. The sale of the house went through just like we wanted, and American Homes 4 Rent DID lease back to us for another six months...and then for another year after that. We thought we'd be breaking ground in November or December of 2013. That ended up happening in July 2014. And then delay after delay after hold-up after longer building schedule than we were originally told...
We finally closed on our new home in December 2014.
BUT, even though it took longer than we expected (guys, I mean SO MUCH LONGER than we expected!), the wait was worth it in the end. I love our new(ish) home. We have so much more space than the old place, an AMAZING backyard for the kids to play in, and a sense of community here that definitely was not present in our old 'hood. I am now in the (continuous) midst of painting/decorating/organizing/perfecting the space, and desperately trying not to drive my sweet husband crazy in the process.

2. The job. I am still at home with the wee ones. Some days I sit back and realize how lucky I am to be able to spend these days with my littles. Other days I am watching my phone like a hawk, waiting for the text from J that he is on his way home so that I can pass some parental duties off to him. Some days I look at my kids and get emotional thinking about how much I love them and how fast it's all happening. Some days, I want to day drink. But that's the life of a stay at home mom! And truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way.
3. The kids. They haven't stopped growing and changing and becoming these little people, right before my eyes. Gabe (who is still my tiny nugget) is in KINDERGARTEN now, and totally rocking it. Margot is still the fiercest little lady this side of the Mason-Dixon. She loves preschool and dance class. They are both completely wonderful in their own unique ways. And, oh Charlotte.
Yep, since my last post, the family was completed with our third wee one. She turned two last month. She appears to have every ounce of sass that her sister has, but she also has a sweet and cuddly side like her brother. She is just the icing on the amazing cake that is my little family.
This is seriously the best picture I have of my three little minions. Getting a picture of all three at once is like herding cats. |
4. The ME. I wrote several times over the years about trying to live a healthier life and lose some weight in the process (
here, and
here...what can I say, I've been a work in progress for a long time.) I had a few promising starts here and there, but always in between pregnancies. I hung onto the excuse that I was just going to have another baby, so I didn't want to put in the hard work when I was just going to get big and fat again, growing another baby. But after the birth of my sweet Charlotte (and I was officially cut off from having anymore babies), I got serious. I mean REALLY serious. And I did it. I look back at pictures of myself at the time of my last blog post, and I barely recognize that person. I started paying attention to every bite of food that I put into my mouth. I became a runner, and raced my first half-marathon last year. And I lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 85 pounds. I did it!
So there's the long and short of it. I really have missed this little spot over the past
three years. (Cringing and embarrassed over here.) Really hoping to not let you down, long lost readers!