A recap on recent events:
American Idol- SPOILER ALERT- Thank you, judges, for saving Casey, because I kinda heart him. But they sent PIA packing last night? America, you so crazy. Loving the talent this season. And can I get a shout out to my hometown boy Scotty? WOO!Modern Family- always hilarious. 'Nuff said.
The Kennedys- DVR'd and next on my list. Looking forward to this one.
Felicity- remember this show?? I L.O.V.E.D. this show. She and I went through college together. J downloaded the series for me, and I am currently re-watching the entire thing. I've just started the last season, and can't wait to see (again!) if she chooses Ben or Noel in the end. (Yes, I already know who she chooses...but it's fun to pretend.)
Water for Elephants- Amazing. I have trouble with anything involving badness to animals, and there was a fair amount of the badness in this book. But the fact that I was able to get past that and love the story anyway speaks volumes. We'll see if Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson do it justice in the movie version soon to come.
The Red Tent- Liked, not loved. Wonderful relationships between mothers and their children, which I enjoyed. But the rest of the story just wasn't spectacular to me. Definitely good, and loved by many, so still worth a read!

The Help- Again, amazing. Such a touching way to tell the story of the civil rights movement in the south. Incredibly well-written. I just read that this will also be made into a movie. I have high hopes.
H is for Homicide- More like H is for Horrible (ba-dum-dum). I thought after all of the heavy, dramatic books I had finished, some lighter fare might be nice. Turns out, not so much.
So readers, any recommendations for good shows, movies, or books that I should check out?
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