So much for weekly baby updates, right? I'll shoot for monthly.
Q: How is baby Gabe?
A: Nothing short of amazing. He is the most wonderful little ball of squishy baby and sunshine a mommy could ever hope for.
Q: What new stuff is he doing?
A: Oh, only some of the coolest things babies can do. Number one on that list would be smiling. I thought my baby was beautiful before this momentous feat...but now? Now I know what true beauty is. There is truly nothing better than a smiling baby. And when he smiles at me...oh, my heart.
He is also cooing. I really can't stand how cute his tiny baby noises are. Especially when they are a reaction to something I say or do. Having a "conversation" with my son is my favorite...or maybe watching my son have a conversation with his daddy is my favorite...again, my heart.
Seeing some personality come out in the peanut is so much fun. I simply can't wait to see what will happen next.
Q: How is the sleeping situation?
A: Well, we have good nights and bad nights. I like to think that the bad nights can be chalked up to a growth spurt situation. Most nights, it's really not too bad. Gabe wakes up twice overnight to eat, then goes right back to sleep without a fuss. But then there are the nights when he wakes up every hour and can hardly be put back down at all. Thankfully, those nights have been few, and were mostly concentrated around the 6-week mark. Only once have I been brought to tears due to the lack of sleep, at which point I shoved the monitor at J and begged him to deal with the boy for awhile so that I may have two hours of uninterrupted slumber. I'd say once in almost nine weeks isn't too bad!
Q: How are the dogs dealing with the new addition?
A: Just as I predicted they would. Delilah is on the alert all the time. If the baby cries, she goes running to him. She'd prefer to sleep on the floor in Gabe's room rather than any other place in the house. She doesn't like when I hang the quilt over the side of the crib, obstructing her view inside, so she pushes it away with her nose. She must be near Gabe at all times. She is a good mama dog (even if Gabe doesn't always see it that way).
Daphne, on the other hand, could care less about Gabe. As a matter of fact, most times, I'm not sure she even knows he's here. Life has carried on as normal for her.
Q: What are Gabe's two month stats?
A: Well, luckily that doctor told us that there will be major fluctuations over the first two years, or I may think that they switched my baby with someone else at the hospital. He is currently 23 1/4 inches long- that's the 75th percentile- and weighs 10lbs 10oz- that's the 30th percentile. That's right, he's a tall and skinny baby. J and I made a tall and skinny kid? Say what? Like I said, we expect major fluctuations over the first two years.
I think that's all, folks! Yep, motherhood. This is what I've been waiting for all my life.
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Royal Hoopla
I am sure that all of my readers who know me will find this absolutely SHOCKING, but I am kinda over the constant barrage of media coverage regarding the Royal Wedding. (And for those of you who don't know me, this is shocking because it involves things such as a princess, tiara, and designer duds...all things that are among my favorites.)
A recent study showed that this oh-so-important event is mentioned online every ten seconds. Whoa. Apparently Twitter is all a-tweet over the royal extravaganza.
It seems that everywhere I turn, I am faced with an article about the impending nuptials. I have seen blog posts, magazine articles, and news reports covering everything from who designed Kate's gown, to what the goings-on will be at their respective stag and hen parties (that's bachelor and bachelorette, for those of you who don't speak British), and even a minute-by-minute account of what will go down on the big day. Apparently, there is even a kiss scheduled into the events (at 1:25, in case you were wondering)!
I just find that I don't care so much! Is that wrong? According to the aforementioned study, I am greatly outnumbered by those tweeters who care. Six-to-one, as a matter of fact. But I just can't bring myself to speculate over what flavor the royal cake will be, or who has made the royal guest list, or will there be royal tongue involved in that scheduled 1:25 pm kiss.
Can't we give the mass media coverage a rest??
Or perhaps I should look into news sources other than People Magazine and E! News, no?
A recent study showed that this oh-so-important event is mentioned online every ten seconds. Whoa. Apparently Twitter is all a-tweet over the royal extravaganza.
It seems that everywhere I turn, I am faced with an article about the impending nuptials. I have seen blog posts, magazine articles, and news reports covering everything from who designed Kate's gown, to what the goings-on will be at their respective stag and hen parties (that's bachelor and bachelorette, for those of you who don't speak British), and even a minute-by-minute account of what will go down on the big day. Apparently, there is even a kiss scheduled into the events (at 1:25, in case you were wondering)!
I just find that I don't care so much! Is that wrong? According to the aforementioned study, I am greatly outnumbered by those tweeters who care. Six-to-one, as a matter of fact. But I just can't bring myself to speculate over what flavor the royal cake will be, or who has made the royal guest list, or will there be royal tongue involved in that scheduled 1:25 pm kiss.
Can't we give the mass media coverage a rest??
Or perhaps I should look into news sources other than People Magazine and E! News, no?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Entertainment Recap
Although I feel crazy busy with the little man, turns out, I know some stuff about books and television. This would be due to the fact that I spend lots o' time nursing. For the most part, I lose the use of my hands during these times (hence the lack of blogging), but I do manage to stay caught up on the DVR, and am reading like a fiend, holding my Kindle in one hand and my baby in the other!
A recap on recent events:
Modern Family- always hilarious. 'Nuff said.
The Kennedys- DVR'd and next on my list. Looking forward to this one.
Felicity- remember this show?? I L.O.V.E.D. this show. She and I went through college together. J downloaded the series for me, and I am currently re-watching the entire thing. I've just started the last season, and can't wait to see (again!) if she chooses Ben or Noel in the end. (Yes, I already know who she chooses...but it's fun to pretend.)
Water for Elephants- Amazing. I have trouble with anything involving badness to animals, and there was a fair amount of the badness in this book. But the fact that I was able to get past that and love the story anyway speaks volumes. We'll see if Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson do it justice in the movie version soon to come.
The Red Tent- Liked, not loved. Wonderful relationships between mothers and their children, which I enjoyed. But the rest of the story just wasn't spectacular to me. Definitely good, and loved by many, so still worth a read!

The Help- Again, amazing. Such a touching way to tell the story of the civil rights movement in the south. Incredibly well-written. I just read that this will also be made into a movie. I have high hopes.
H is for Homicide- More like H is for Horrible (ba-dum-dum). I thought after all of the heavy, dramatic books I had finished, some lighter fare might be nice. Turns out, not so much.
A recap on recent events:
American Idol- SPOILER ALERT- Thank you, judges, for saving Casey, because I kinda heart him. But they sent PIA packing last night? America, you so crazy. Loving the talent this season. And can I get a shout out to my hometown boy Scotty? WOO!Modern Family- always hilarious. 'Nuff said.
The Kennedys- DVR'd and next on my list. Looking forward to this one.
Felicity- remember this show?? I L.O.V.E.D. this show. She and I went through college together. J downloaded the series for me, and I am currently re-watching the entire thing. I've just started the last season, and can't wait to see (again!) if she chooses Ben or Noel in the end. (Yes, I already know who she chooses...but it's fun to pretend.)
Water for Elephants- Amazing. I have trouble with anything involving badness to animals, and there was a fair amount of the badness in this book. But the fact that I was able to get past that and love the story anyway speaks volumes. We'll see if Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson do it justice in the movie version soon to come.
The Red Tent- Liked, not loved. Wonderful relationships between mothers and their children, which I enjoyed. But the rest of the story just wasn't spectacular to me. Definitely good, and loved by many, so still worth a read!

The Help- Again, amazing. Such a touching way to tell the story of the civil rights movement in the south. Incredibly well-written. I just read that this will also be made into a movie. I have high hopes.
H is for Homicide- More like H is for Horrible (ba-dum-dum). I thought after all of the heavy, dramatic books I had finished, some lighter fare might be nice. Turns out, not so much.
So readers, any recommendations for good shows, movies, or books that I should check out?
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