Tuesday, October 16, 2018

For My One Fan

I have one loyal fan.

Just kidding- I know there are more of you out there that enjoy reading this blog.  And some of you read it because you are related to me and you have to.  But one person has hassled me repeatedly, both online and in person, to get back to writing in this space.  So for you, my biggest fan, I am going to try and make (yet another) comeback!

Since it has apparently been eight months since I've gotten my ass onto the computer, I guess I'll begin with a general update on life before I get to the nitty gritty specifics (that makes things sound super interesting, right?).

Since we last spoke, life has marched on.  At least none of my children have celebrated another birthday!  But Gabe managed to finish out first grade, Charlotte completed her first dance season, Margot graduated from Pre-K, I got to start running again, Jason started a new job, and we made it through the LONGEST SUMMER EVER after being reassigned to a brand new school that follows a traditional calendar (I miss year-round something fierce).  

While I'd love to bore you fill you in on all of the day-to-day that's gone on, alas, I've been away too long for that.  But over the next few posts, I'll back up in time and give you the deets on some of the more major moments of the past, and fill you in on some current happenings, as well.

I promise that I'll try and be more regular with my posting!  Life somehow always gets in the way, and this is the easiest thing to let slide.  But I'll work on it, promise.  For YOU, my drove of adoring readers lone reader.

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